''Surya: The Super Cop'' is an Indian drama television series. It features three separate investigative units working on different crimes with each crime to be aired as a start-to-finish story episode. The binding link between the three Crime Branch Units and the independent stories is the protagonist Surya (Harsh Chhaya), a middle-aged blind man, who is their friend, philosopher and guide. A genius with vast experience in investigating crimes, Surya is a former senior police officer, currently under suspension pending the report of a Departmental Enquiry probing a tragic incident where his passion to nab the culprits led to him being blinded and a few of his colleagues losing their lives. Surya is adored by his juniors and well respected by superiors in the department and it is out of this love and respect that the investigators frequently visit Surya, to meet him and take his advice and guidance in solving cases. Surya never disappoints. ==Story== The story of ''Surya:The Super Cop'' is based on the binding link between the three Crime Branch Units. There is an independent story also of a middle-aged blind man, Surya. He is their friend, philosopher and guide. Surya is genius with an IQ of 200 and a vast experience in investigating crimes. He was a senior police officer who is currently under suspension pending the report of a Departmental Enquiry. Surya is restricted to his home space due to his condition. The CB units go to him for advice on cases during the course of investigation when they feel they have reached a dead-end in this series. Surya has a sharp mind to picture the crime scene with just information from the team and give them brilliant insights. Surya helps out the teams unofficiall’ and the teams do not really report to him but hold him as their idol and guiding light. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Surya The Super Cop」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク